
Would you like to deliver major infrastructure projects or to understand how your projects interact with the environment? How does the environment affect your business or how does your business affect the environment? Are you trying to write plans, policy, strategies or regulation?

Swabey Consulting Ltd has significant experience delivering major projects in mining and river/coastal infrastructure sectors in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Africa.

Swabey Consulting Ltd can help with:

  • Management of infrastructure projects, particularly in coastal, or river domains
  • Licensing for mining and infrastructure projects, including Environmental Impact Assessments, planning permission, marine licences, Scheduled Monument consents, assents/consents for Sites of Special Scientific Interest, European sites, Coast Protection Act processes (all UK); Resource Consents (NZ); Environmental Protection Licences (Australia); licensing under the Code de l’Environnement (Senegal); and World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (Global)
  • Climate change adaptation, including climate risk assessment, vulnerability and risk reduction, strategy and planning
  • Natural hazard assessment, management, strategies and response, including river flooding, coastal flooding, tsunami, seismic hazard and landslip
  • Gravel-bed river resource studies and management
  • Studies in geomorphology (coastal, fluvial, hillslope, karst); hydrology (fluvial, hillslope, soil); hydrogeology (gravel aquifers, karst, goethermal modelling)
  • Integrated catchment management of water and nutrients